"Wait Wait 等等" is on《 MY FM 至尊流行榜》! 今天就为這首歌曲投下神圣的一票 。別錯失良机啦! 每逢星期六早上 10 点到中午 12 点(星期日傍晚 6 点到 8 点重播), MY FM 主持人林德荣和尹汇雰以他们风趣鬼马的风格陪你倒数《 MY FM 至尊流行榜》。 謝謝大家,謝謝MY FM 主持人林德荣和尹汇雰! Thanks for ya support!
Wrong man enter your life without knowing the consequences.. Has anyone told you about the fairytale of the frog prince? Has anyone said we've gotta kiss lotsa frogs before we meet the prince charming in life? If there is a prince waiting for us, wouldn't life be easier if they really were just frogs and all we had to do was kiss them? Apparently, it is having relationships with quite a few of the wrong men before we meet the 'Mr Right' in life. Mr. Wrong does help us to grow. Relationships aren't about dependence nor the company, it's all about learning and growing together. Mr. Wrong helps us to discover which men will always be wrong for us. Some guys are wrong for me, but some guys are wrong for every woman. Some people might dole out some personal folk wisdom like : Never go out with man with bad reputation for fooling around. We might be determined to find out the hard way, particularly if we fancy him like mad. Didn't really listen and had much fun en...
" My Love Story " is my first ever song... very much related to my previous post titled : Wrong man... Do we really need to kiss all the ugly frogs before we get to meet our prince charming? Blessing in disguise i suppose... Whatever it is :) Good news here! "My Love story" is available in MY FM Billboard至尊流行榜!! Login to http://www.my.com.my You can vote more than once! Step to vote : 1) login to http://www.my.com.my 2) register as user (if you're existing user just skip this step) 3) look for "节目精选" icon 4) select "至尊流行榜 " 5) login your user name & password. You will enter the page for song voting. 6) goto the last column of the page and look for the word "投选歌曲" 7) select "My Love Story" from the drop down list and send. As simple as that! spread the words and we need your support! Thanks!